General Information

We meet at Gifford Village Hall in the parish of Yester, East Lothian, EH41.

There are three terms throughout the year, during which we meet on a Tuesday morning from 9:30am to 12:15pm. The hall is normally opened at 9:00am and must be cleared by 12:30pm.

The cost per term is £60, payable on the first day of each term.

The group has a communicator Tertia Barnet, a treasurer Julie Wightman and a small committee. Decisions relating to the group are made at our AGM held in September/October.

As this is a group rather than a class, members generally pursue their own projects, however we have a professional tutor (currently Georgina Bown) who comes every week.

Membership is limited to about twenty five people due to the size of the hall.

There is a rota for opening / closing the hall and each member is expected to perform this duty as required. The person who opens the hall also brings milk and biscuits, the cost of which is re-imbursed.

Coffee and biscuits are available to members at no extra cost.

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